September: All that beautiful fresh energy, new office supplies, the renewed urgency of reaching your goals by year-end. Then, October…. Things start to feel challenging. Heavy. It gets dark earlier. Mornings are chilly. You take longer to get going.
Maybe you’re working late because you didn’t get things done during the day. Or you’re procrastinating—staying in instead of going to the gym, doing busy work instead of the thing that would REALLY move your business forward.
We all feel stuck in the molasses from time to time.
Here are three of my favorite resistance-busters to get you back on track.
- Welcome Chicken Time
I keep one of those fun chicken timers on my desk. Even when I have a tough task to do, I make it fun by only committing to 30 minutes of “chicken time.”
Then I ask myself, for instance, what are three small things I can do on my tax project right now?
I can make a call or do a piece of research or maybe tackle some filing.
I dive in. When the chicken timer goes off, I put on a song I love and dance around my office. Or I check Facebook for a few minutes. I give myself a reward. Chicken Time has made the difference in my business productivity.
- Surprise Yourself
Now, if you’ve got a challenging milestone—or one that you’re resisting, try brainstorming for a few minutes to come up with surprising ways to get it done. Invite a friend over who also needs to write a blog and do it together. Go to a café and order a latte–finish your blog before you finish your coffee. Or make your reward for this milestone extra special—a massage, or matinee or trip to your favorite boutique.
- Think About How Good it Will Feel When You’re Done
One of the best feelings in the world is that of completion. Picture climbing into bed tonight with that task you’ve been putting off DONE! Procrastination sits on you like a weight—it might feel good for a moment to postpone jumping into a task, but the weight only gets heavier and thicker the longer you put it off.
When you’re on a challenging hike, it feels hard—then when you get to the top, you see the view. Think of your task like a section of a big hike—just keep tackling those small sections—and remember how fantastic it’s going to feel once you’re on the top! It’ll be worth every single step.
I’ve got a fun workshop coming up this weekend to help you ease into fall planning—and make sure you reach those goals you set for the year.
Join me…
Saturday, October 15
Saturday, October 15, 9 am-1 pm
Just imagine…
…going to bed at night with all your day’s tasks COMPLETE.
… knowing exactly what to work on to move toward your VISION
…having additional TIME in your day to do what you love
Perfect for entrepreneurs, coaches, teachers, project managers, and teams who experience:
- tasks falling through the cracks and missed deadlines
- procrastination, frustration and late nights at your desk
- inability to do the things that will move you toward you vision
What you’ll get:
- Strategies and tools to capture and schedule every TO-DO in your business and life.
- Keys to PRIORITIZE so things get done and projects move forward.
- Your own 90-day ACTION PLAN for life and business, with time to PRACTICE.
- A rinse-and-repeat SYSTEM that keeps you current and on top of your game.
Where: SW Portland—address given on registration.
Cost: $97—includes instruction, materials, snacks and beverages
Instructor: Dr. Cricket Wingfield, Planning and Productivity Coach 805.689.6943
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-magic-of-productivity-with…