What “Balance” Really Means…and How it Can Help You

Many of the people I hear from are looking for balance, like it is a place where you can finally arrive and be done. Check the box. Ahhh, no more stress, right? Then it all gets out of whack when an employee quits, the car breaks down, a child gets sick, or some other unexpected thing interrupts our flow and master-plan.
Balance, as our bodies know, is something we find in motion, a constant, subtle recalibration. We do it all the time walking, riding a bike, or standing on one foot. When I walk on a wide path, I don’t think about it, it’s automatic, even when a root or curb is in the way, I just step over or around it. When I step onto a narrow bridge, or a log crossing a creek, I get more focused and nothing else matters because there is less room for error.

You don’t have to wait for a life-altering event to re prioritize. Some of us live our lives on that narrow log, where everything is urgent, and an unexpected event can completely derail us. How can we create that wider platform in our lives, so we can handle the unexpected?

We get clear about what is important. We get what’s important into our calendar, including self care, and we take care of the important things first. No kidding.

Don’t let resistance guide your life, become proactive instead!

Do the one thing you don’t want to do first. The resistance is often worse than the task, and it robs us of our creative vitality. Unfinished business takes up psychic space, so have the conversation, write the note, or whatever is needed and complete that step. The freedom is palpable.

Identify and take the very first step to get something moving. Often one step can get you moving toward what you want. It is easier to steer a moving vehicle than one that’s parked. Take action, and know you can recalibrate. Imperfect action is still a step forward.

Get help! I can help you get clear when you are overwhelmed by everything on your plate. You can get back in charge, back on top, so the unexpected can’t take you down!

Now, join the conversation on how you create balance in your life.

I look forward to reading and responding to your comments!

With love, Cricket

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